Monday, February 11, 2013

Life's Punching Bag

It's around 3:15 pm on Thursday 17 January 2013.

I recently got back from seeing my doctor.

Now it is Monday 11 February.  I started this blog post but then I became too upset to finish it.  Apparently it took me weeks before I could muster up the courage to talk about it.  I've had Graves disease for years and many of you know that.  I have the worst case Graves disease that my doctors have ever seen.  I can live with that...literally...I can, in fact, LIVE with that.  I can live a relatively long and somewhat healthy life as long as I stay on my massive doses of medications.  The things that bother me are the symptoms that I cannot control.  I have eye issues and weight issues that suck big time.  It's no fun at all being an actress, model and singer with self-esteem issues and then having real physical deformities added into the mix.  Every moment of each day is a struggle when I see people face-to-face and it's even painful to just look in the mirror.

Life was hard even before the 17th of January.  But on that particular doctor's visit, he told me that he thinks that I have a brain aneurysm.  I'm not sure if I can live with that.

Bloggitty Blog Blog

I should be in South Korea right now...but I'm not.  Instead I've just started my long awaited "bathroom blog" called "The Bathroom Review."  I purchased the rights to this website months ago but only just now got around to starting it.

For years I have been trying to get around to this project of mine where I formally evaluate all of the public bathrooms that I visit.  I visit many bathrooms so I have my work cut out for me.  I will tell you of the bathroom's cleanliness, size and the availability of soap and approved hand drying devices, etc.  Bathrooms are important to me and when the bathroom upsets me, it usually ruins my meal.  

In case I haven't mentioned this before, you can order Avon products from my website and have them shipped directly to your front door.  If you enter the current free shipping promotion code in during checkout then you won't even have to pay for shipping.  Here is my Avon website:

Thanks for reading!